Procedures for Virtual Annual Meetings and Voting
Summary of Annual Meeting and Virtual Voting Procedures:
I. Board Option:
Pertains to the conduct of virtual Annual Meetings, which may be approved by the Board.
In-person meetings can still be conducted at the Board's discretion.
II. Nominations For Election of Board of Directors:
Candidates are nominated through a mailed call to all Owners.
Candidates must be financially current with the Association.
Candidacy statements are submitted by specified deadlines.
No nominations are accepted during the virtual meeting.
III. Annual Meeting Notice, Location, and Conduct:
The Board determines a virtual place for the Annual Meeting.
Notice includes a proxy, absentee mail-in ballot, candidate list, voting instructions, and platform guidelines.
Members validate their membership before entering the meeting.
Protocols for member conduct in electronic meetings are established.
Attendees must mute their microphones unless given the floor.
Attendees are responsible for their audio and internet connections.
IV. Proxy and Absentee Mail-In Election Ballots:
Must be submitted according to instructions in the Annual Meeting notice.
Ballots serve dual purposes for quorum counting and candidate selection.
Uninstructed ballots count for quorum only.
V. Online Voting:
Board may implement online voting, with details included in the Annual Meeting notice.
Online votes count toward quorum.
Validation procedures ensure voters are Lot Owners.
VI. Miscellaneous:
Virtual platforms used maintain records of attendance and voting.
Owners unable to participate electronically can request an alternative method.
All legal and governing document requirements for the Annual Meeting and director election are adhered to
To Review the 2022-16 Mayfair Policy Administrative-Procedures Relating to Virtual Annual Meetings and Voting, please go to the Mayfair CINC Portal.Â