Inspection and Violation Procedures

Per the direction of the Board, the managing agent will perform community inspections ensuring adherence to the Community Standards on a quarterly basis. Inspection dates will be communicated to homeowners prior to the inspection date. However, the managing agent may also note items outside of the regular inspection schedule while on the property. The managing agent will compile a list of properties that are violation of both the Community Standards and Section 7.2: Upkeep of Owner’s Property as directed in the Declaration of Mayfair.

Once the managing agent has complied the list of property violations both during quarterly inspections and inspections outside the inspection schedule, it will be sent to both the Board of Directors and Covenants Committee via email with property owner names omitted, referencing the property address only as well as photos of the violations.

Members of the Covenants Committee will have 24 hours to review and provide feedback about the list of observations. If no feedback is received, the notices will be sent to homeowners as observed. Any violations can be flagged for further discussion by all members of the reviewing parties, however the final decision on how to proceed will default to the Board of Directors.

All violation notices will cite the specific statute in question, and a suggested window of time of up to a maximum of 30 days to rectify the offending observation. If the violation has not been corrected within the initial 30 days, the managing agent will send a 2nd notice to the homeowner and continue to follow the policies and procedures stated in the enforcement section of the Declaration and the Community Standards.

To Review the 2020-04 Mayfair Regulatory Resolution for Due Process Procedures , please go to the Mayfair CINC Portal.