Mayfair Covenants Committee
The purpose of the Covenants Committee will ensure that every property is in line with the current covenants, conditions, and any restrictions that apply per the current bylaws and design guidelines. The Covenants Committee regulates the external appearance, use and upkeep of the property and is responsible for the enforcement of the Association’s governing documents.
Responsibilities of the Covenants Committee:
The Mayfair Community Association Covenants Committee will be responsible for the following:
Assist in maintaining and updating of current Rules and Regulations – the committee will actively maintain and review the current Mayfair Community Association’s design guidelines and standards and propose changes as necessary to the Board of Directors.
Monitor compliance with the HOA covenants and restrictions, as well as any bylaws and governing documents that apply. This may involve processing anonymous complaints, as well.
Enforcement of the Mayfair Community Association architectural and design guidelines and standards. The committee will be responsible for the review of applications from residents for additions and exterior modifications for approval.
Recommend corrective actions to ensure compliance with the Declaration of Covenants and Restrictions. They also have the authority to recommend sanctions to rectify confirmed violations, as well. Thus, the covenants committee can recommend the issuance of fine, penalties, or other such measures.